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The Wolverine News for the week of Nov.6-10, 2023


Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you to all the May Watts friends and family members who have served or are currently serving in our US military. We are forever grateful for your service and sacrifice.


Thank you to Sarah Charles and our PTA for a wonderful STEAM Night this week! Students and families had a great time exploring various science, technology and math activities.


We look forward to connecting with parents/guardians to discuss student progress at our fall Parent/Teacher Conference next Thursday, November 16th and Monday, November 20th. Conference schedules are open in ParentVUE and available for online signup through November 14th. Please see the information below regarding the sign up procedures.


Have a great weekend!


-Mrs. Kempski








Week of November 13th-17th

Monday: November 13th

  • Book Fair Preview Day


Tuesday: November 14th

  • Chorus at 7:50 - for 4th and 5th grade students who have registered. Enter Door #1
  • Book Fair Preview Day


Wednesday: November 15th - Late Start Wednesday (School Begins at 9:15)

  • Book Fair Shopping Day for: 2K


Thursday: November 16th

  • Book Fair Shopping Day for: 5B, 5D, 2W, 4A, 3M, 1P, 1F, KH, 2F, KD, KW
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30-8:00


Friday: November 17th

  • Book Fair Shopping Day for: 5V, 2B, 4E, 4B, 4G, 3P, 3O, 3D, 5C, 1B, 1G, 2C, KP, KT
  • May Watts Spirit Day!


No School for students the week of Monday, November 20th - 24th


Fall Book Fair

The May Watts’ Book Fair helps provide necessary funds to support the school’s Library Media Center (LMC). With the profits of this book fair we will continue to purchase the newest books students are hoping for. Thank you for your continued support! Books make great holiday gifts! Please email Ms. Happy with any questions:


Three ways to shop!

  1. Students can shop during the school day. Classes will have an assigned day/time to shop, but if a student is absent or forgets, they can tell their teacher and come outside of that time (see below).

  2. Parents can shop outside of school hours (see below).

  3. Parents can shop online anytime! Go to When shopping online, you can choose to have your items shipped to your house (shipping fee), pick up from the Anderson’s Store (free) or sent to the school (free). Enter our School Name and School City in the delivery information section.


We accept cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover & Debit Cards.

Please make checks payable to May Watts.

This will be a tax free fair.

Student Shopping Days

All classes will come for a book fair preview on either 11/13, 11/14 or 11/15. They will bring a wish list home. Please feel free to send this back with your child when they are shopping.

**Sometimes a book is out of stock, we can order the book, or your child can choose something else, please let them know what you’d like them to do in case what they want is sold out.**


Student Shopping Days

11/15: 2K

11/16: 5B, 5D, 2W, 4A, 3M, 1P, 1F, KH, 2F, KD, KW

11/17: 5V, 2B, 4E, 4B, 4G, 3P, 3O, 3D, 5C, 1B, 1G, 2C, KP, KT


Parent Shopping Days/Times

11/14: 3:50-4:30

11/15: 3:50-4:30

11/16: 4:30-8:00 (during P/T Conferences)

11/17: 3:50-4:30

11/20: 8:00 AM-3:00 PM & 4:30-8:00 PM (during P/T Conferences)


Don’t forget to check the teacher wish lists, if you’re shopping in person.


Please consider being a volunteer for our upcoming Book Fair. We are looking for help setting up, previewing with students, ringing up sales, and packing up.


Any question, please contact Amy Avery at


Book Fair Sign Up


Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up

Parent/teacher conferences will take place on Thursday, November 16, 2023 from 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm and Monday, November 20, 2023 from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm and 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm.


Parents can begin scheduling conferences through ParentVUE on November 8 starting at 10:00 am.


To schedule your conference, log in to ParentVUE and select "Conference" from the menu on the left side to see the times available. Once you have scheduled your conference, you can click "Email Schedule" to have the details emailed to you. You can also go back to ParentVUE at any time to view the information. Conference scheduling will remain open through November 14 at 6:00 pm.


If you would like to schedule a conference with a specials teacher, please reach out to them directly to arrange a time

Art: Mrs. Kronas -

Music: Mrs. Donaldson -

PE: Mrs. Andrews -




Artwork on Display along 95th Street

The following students have artwork that have been turned into banners hanging along 95th Street between Cedar Glade Drive and Book Road. The banners are part of the City of Naperville's Beautification project and will be hanging through the end of November.

Diaansh K. (1F)

Niara A. (2F)

Rhodes L. (4B)

Venkata A. (4E)


May Watts PTA Impact

We are excited to share with you the incredible impact the PTA had on our school community during the first quarter (August thru October) of this academic year. Thanks to your unwavering support, we've been able to make a difference in enhancing the educational experience for our children. We hope by showcasing the positive outcomes of our efforts, you will be inspired to continue helping us shape the future of our school. Please click here to see our First Quarter Impact!


Attendance matters! Next week, we will be sending home a letter to families with students that have missed 5 days of school or more throughout 1st quarter. The letter is meant to inform you that if your child continues to be absent from school at this rate, they will miss at least 10% of the school year. This is a considerable loss of opportunities for learning and social development. Please reach out to your child's teacher, Mrs. Kempski or our school social worker, Mrs. Brandt if we can be of any help and support in ensuring your child is in attendance at school!


Fridays are School Spirit Days!

We encourage all May Watts students, staff and community members to show their school spirit on Fridays! Consider wearing our school colors (blue and gray) or spirit wear to school on Fridays!





Giftmart 2023 needs your help! Please consider donating a toy to assist under resourced families in District 204.

By invitation, parents/guardians are invited to the Giftmart Toyshop where they can purchase new toys for $2.00 each. 100% of the proceeds made from the sale of each toy will be donated back to each invited school to fund much needed resources.

Please consider donating a new, unwrapped toy that is safe for children ages 6-12. No stuffed animals or board games, please. There will be a Giftmart Toy Box located inside our school lobby beginning next week from November 13 – December 4. A Target gift registry has also been created.


Winter Wishes

The IPPC Winter Wishes Program is a wonderful opportunity for community members to give back and make a difference in the lives of struggling families. The gift cards donated through this program will provide these families with the means to purchase essential items and gifts for their children, making the holiday season a little brighter for them.



The Indian Prairie Parents’ Council and District 204 are grateful for any contributions made to the Winter Wishes Program. The online store offers a variety of gift cards to choose from (Jewel, Walmart, Target, and Meijer) and the ability to make monetary donations.



The program runs through December 1. For more information about the Winter Wishes Program, please don’t hesitate to reach out to IPPC 1st VP and Unity Chair, Robin Schmidt at


Join the May Watts Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Please join me in supporting our May Watts Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA supports our May Watts community in many ways throughout the school year.


Your membership and involvement in the PTA is important to our students, staff and school community. Membership dues help support: family events such as the Ice Cream Social, school programs such as the Science Fair, STEAM Night, One Book, One School, LMC & classroom resources, teacher and staff appreciation and so much more!



Join the May Watts PTA today!

May Watts Parent/Guardian Guidebook
Much of the information contained above in this edition's of the Wolverine News has been taken directly from the May Watts Parent/Guardian Guidebook. Please refer to this guide for information pertinent school information and procedures.
Katie Kempski
Katie is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters
Chris Binderup