• ALICE a solution of Navigate360 

    ALICE Training® for Schools

    "Proactive, options-based strategy program that provides life skills through education and training to everyone."

  • Course: ALICE for Families and Communities

    Upon completion of this training, you will know:

    • How your child and their teacher are being prepared for a Violent Critical Incident.
    • How your child is being trained to respond to a Violent Critical Incident.
    • How to talk to your child about Violent Critical Incidents and the ALICE training they are receiving.

Frequently Asked Questions for Families

  • Is active shooter training too scary for my child?

  • We've always had lockdown drills and have been fine. So why do we need to change?

  • I'm worried about my child using counter. If they throw something or run, will they make the aggressor mad, draw attention to him or herself, and get hurt?

  • An active shooter event won't happen here, so why do we need training?

  • Can ALICE training only be used when my child is at school?

  • How can I become more involved?

  • How do I talk to my child about Violent Critical Incidents?

  • How do I talk to my pre-teen about Violent Critical Incidents?

  • How do I talk to my teen about Violent Critical Incidents?