• Regular Hours Wednesday Hours Half Day Hours
    9:05am - 3:35pm 9:15am - 3:35pm 9:05am - 12:05pm

    Emergency School Closings

    May Watts Elementary School has plans in place to address emergency situations that arise. Depending on the situation, local authorities may recommend that schools be closed.

    In the event that school is dismissed early, May Watts School will adhere to the following procedure:

    • PTA Room Parent Coordinators will be informed of the closing. The Coordinators will phone the parents of students who qualify as the "oldest child" from their family that attends May Watts, using the "Emergency/Delayed Dismissal Release Form" that parents were asked to fill out at registration time.
    • If you have not filled out an "Emergency/Delayed Dismissal Release Form," or if you need to update the information, please do so. Be sure to include home, work and cell phone numbers. This sheet also allows you to indicate persons to whom your child may be released upon sign-out. Children may not be released to anyone whose name does not appear on this sheet.
    • Watts staff members will be on hand to direct parents who arrive at the school to sign-out children.
    • Parents will enter Entrance No. 2 (just north of the main entrance) and proceed to the side door of the main office.
    • Children will be paged to the office and signed out by a parent or another adult listed on the "Emergency/Delayed Dismissal Release Form" only.
    • Those exiting the building will exit from the main entrance.