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Next Level Pop! Fundraiser

Hello Parents and Families!

We are excited to offer a way to give back to Fischer Middle School!  On 9/14/2023 we will be kicking off an event to help raise funds that will benefit all of our students and staff. Our Next Level program will help with funding Classroom supplies and learning tools. 

It is going to be AWESOME; we are excited to get started!

A few things to note:

  • This program will be extremely easy for you. It only requires about 10 minutes of your time.
  • Your students can earn great rewards, just for their effort. No money required!
  • This is an online, donation-based fundraiser, and the email and text message donation requests can go to people you know anywhere in the world. That means no direct pressure on your shoulders.

Students will be bringing home more information next week after our Launch Party presentation. Please help your student register and complete the Golden Ticket assignment that very night! All students who complete the Golden Ticket assignment will receive fun PRIZES and it does not require any money to register. We will also have awesome drawings for a $250 Amazon Gift Card and Mini-Party Fridges stuffed with CASH!

I will be sending more emails throughout the two-week program. Please contact me directly if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your support!


Mr. Kevin Schnable

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