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May Watts PTA AT A GLANCE week of 2/26/24
May Watts PTA At a Glance
Upcoming Events -
February 29th - Spring Floral orders due
March 4th - PTA Nominations Due
March 9th- Trivia Night
Floral Sales
Let the May Watts PTA and Schaefer’s Greenhouse help color your patio this spring! Choose from a variety of hanging baskets, patio pots and even an herb garden. Orders are due Thursday, February 29th and pickup will be at/near May Watts on Thursday, May 8th!
Reflections Update
We're thrilled to announce the PTA Reflections Results that Samyuktha K, Willow P, and Avik K projects have advanced to the state level! Their projects impressed the judges at the regional competition, and we're excited to see what they achieve next. Congratulations!
Conference Meals
The PTA is hosting a tailgate themed dinner for our ALL-STAR teachers during Parent-Teacher Conferences! Please consider donating food items and/or your time to help out at the event. Click here for the SignUp Genius.
PTA Nominations
May Watts PTA is seeking nominations for leadership roles in the 2024-2025 term, and we're counting on you! Positions available include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director of Membership. While we've had enthusiastic volunteers already come forward for President, Secretary, and Director of Membership, our primary need is for Treasurer and Vice President roles. Check our website, wattspta.org, for detailed position descriptions and the election process outlined in our bylaws. Please complete a nomination form and return it to the Nominating Committee Chair, Kelly Stewart at kellystewart323@gmail.com. You can find the form on the website under the Helpful Forms tab on our website or you can click this link. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sOrkmPZMYPIpNp0yCgVePr6QUzuJqWEoDDr7hMaru78/edit?usp=sharing
Whether you're nominating someone exceptional or putting yourself forward, complete the PTA Nomination Form and return it to the Nominating Committee Chair, Kelly Stewart, at kellystewart323@gmail.com or you can send it to the May Watts Office in an envelope labeled, "TO: Kelly Stewart, RE: PTA Nominations".
The deadline for nominations is Friday, March 4th, 2024.
Trivia Night
Trivia Night is coming up on March 9th and we need sponsors! If you would like to be a Sponsor, or would like to learn about sponsorships, please click here. For questions or more information, please contact Kate Nayak (Katenayak@gmail.com) or Jackie Pfundt (Jackiepfundt@gmail.com).
Sign up now to be a part of the May Watts Pack! Click this link to join: PTA Membership
For more information on these and upcoming PTA events, please check the May Watts Facebook Page or you can see previous newsletters on the May Watts Elementary website: https://www.ipsd.org/watts