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PTA AT A GLANCE week of 4/22/24
May Watts PTA At a Glance
Upcoming Events -
May 1st - May Watts’ Birthday
May 6th-10th - Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
May 8th - Spring Flower Pick-up
May 24th - 5th Grade Farewell
Staff Appreciation Week: Thanks for helping May Watts students BLOOM!
We can all agree that our May Watts Staff is FERN-tastic! Let's thank them for their comMINTment to their students and for helping our children BLOOM! The PTA will provide meals and snacks for the staff each day. To make the week extra special for them, please consider donating food items and/or your time to help with set up and clean up. Click the SignUp Genius link to sign up for donations and volunteer opportunities. THANK YOU!
From the PTA Nominating Committee:
Thank you for your nominations to the 2024-25 PTA Executive Board. The Nominating Committee has agreed on the following nominees:
President- Kate Nayak
Vice President- Kelly Stewart
Treasurer- Nina Stanley
Secretary - Krystle Porter
Director of Membership- Jackie Pufundt
The Nominating Committee presented this slate at the April 18th General PTA Meeting and all nominations were voted in. Congratulations to our new PTA Executive Board!
Sign up now to be a part of the May Watts Pack! Click this link to join: PTA Membership
For more information on these and upcoming PTA events, please check the May Watts Facebook Page or you can see previous newsletters on the May Watts Elementary website: https://www.ipsd.org/watts