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MAY WATTS PTA AT A GLANCE week of 8/28/23

May Watts PTA At a Glance


Upcoming Events


August 30 - Curriculum Night - 6:30-8:00 p.m.

August 31st - PTA Ice Cream Social - 6:30-8:00 p.m.

September 3rd - Room Parent Submission Deadline




Ice Cream Social-


Ice Cream Social – 8/31 6:30-8:00PM, May Watts Blacktop/Playground


With one of the hottest summers thus far, May Watts PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is celebrating the last day of summer (31st Aug) with ICE CREAM!! May Watts style.


We cordially invite all May Watts students and their families to join the annual Ice Cream Social this year on Thursday Aug 31st from 6:30 to 8:00PM! We will have information on PTA membership, volunteering opportunities and our annual Fun Run fundraiser.  


Volunteering Alert!!! The Ice Cream Social is a May Watts tradition. To help kick the new school year off, we need your volunteer support. If you are interested, here is the link to sign up and help us out.

Room Parents:


It's that time of year again where we are looking for volunteers to be Room Parents.  Room parent duties may include:  coordinating volunteers for the classroom parties, organizing teacher gifts, and possibly other volunteer opportunities as needed by the teacher.  There will be a required room parent meeting to review the responsibilities once volunteers are assigned.


If you are interested please email Tara McCallum and Christine Malm-Guerin at by Sunday 9/3.


Next PTA Meeting: 


We are excited to announce our first May Watts PTA General Meeting, and we want you to mark your calendars and save the date!


Date: September 26th

Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Location: May Watts LMC


This meeting will be a fantastic opportunity for you to connect with other parents, learn about the exciting events and initiatives we have in store, and receive updates directly from Mrs. Kempski about all the wonderful happenings at school. We believe that your active participation can make a real difference, and your presence at this meeting will be greatly appreciated. To make the evening even more enjoyable, light refreshments will be served.