• Builta Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

    The safety of your children/our students is our first concern. The system now in place establishes a pattern for children to arrive and depart safely from Builta. School rules apply on the way to and from school.

    State Law prohibits the use of a cell phone while driving. Use of a cell phone while a parent is in the car line is a serious safety concern.


    Front Circle Drive

    Buses and daycare vans will load and unload in the circle drive at the front of the building. There is no parking inside the front circle drive while buses from 8:40 -9:05 a.m. and 3:20-3:45 p.m. or when orange cones are placed against the curb. Please be patient when buses, day care vans and students with special needs are given priority.

    The curb painted red is a FIRE ZONE.  Parking is not permitted along the red curb.