• Regular Hours Wednesday Hours Half Day Hours
    9:05am - 3:35pm 9:15am - 3:35pm 9:05am - 12:05pm

    Arrival Procedures

    1. Driving: Drive into the circle drive from the south end of the drive. Proceed through the circle drive, pulling forward to the drop-off sign or until the car in front of you stops. Please do not leave gaps in between cars. Students exit from the right hand side of the vehicle and parents remain inside the car. Students are monitored as they enter the building by Spring Brook staff members who are stationed along the front sidewalk.
    2. Walking: Walkers may enter the building via any of the doors around the building and will proceed directly to their classrooms. Teachers are outside of their classrooms at the beginning of the day.
    3. Bus riders: Buses enter the parking lot and park alongside the sidewalk. Students exit the bus and are greeted by staff members. Students enter the building through door number 2 and then proceed directly to their classrooms.
    4. Late arrival: If your child is late, please bring your child into the office and sign-in. Your child will be given a pass and will then proceed to the classroom.

    Dismissal Procedures

    1. Driving: Entrance into the front drive is not permitted from 3:15-3:45 daily as buses will be entering the front circle drive. Parking is limited around the school, so please decide upon a meeting location with your child. You may park in a legal spot, then walk to the school, if you choose. Please refrain from double parking or parking in a “No Parking” zone.
    2. Walking: Walkers will exit the building as designated by their classroom teachers at the beginning of the year. Kindergarten students who will be walking home will exit from door 12.
    3. Bus riders: Bus riders will be dismissed from their rooms and will wait in the gym for buses to be called. Bus riders will line up in the gym according to their bus numbers. When a specific bus is called, a Spring Brook staff member will escort all students on the same bus to the bus parked in front of the school. A Spring Brook staff member will be waiting at the bus until all students have entered the bus.
    4. Early dismissal: If your child needs to be picked up early, please call or send a note to either the office or your child’s teacher, if possible. Once you come to school, please come into the office and sign your child out. Your child will be called to the office at that time. As noted above, cars are not allowed in the front drive from 3:15-3:45.