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  • Why is the development of vocabulary so important?

    • Developing a rich vocabulary is essential to having good communication skills.
    • Understanding and using a wide variety of words is essential in helping a child to learn what is being taught and express the knowledge they have.
    • Vocabulary development plays a critical part in learning to read as it is one of the five building blocks of reading. (The five building blocks of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, VOCABULARY, and text comprehension).

    What can I do at home to support vocabulary development?

    • Talk more to your babies and young children!
    • Engage in real conversations with your children, not just "business talk" such as "sit down," "come here," "stop that," or "hold still."
    • Read books! Reading is a great way to expose your children to many new words.
    • Try to keep books at home for your children to enjoy and "read" to themselves.
    • Emphasize important words like action words, descriptive words, category names, and school vocabulary such as colors, shapes and numbers.
    • Remember: Current research suggests a typical child must hear a word 35 times to learn it.  Multiple exposures to a word have a greater effect on vocabulary learning than one or two mentions of a word.
    • Have fun and enjoy your child!

    Curriculum for 23-24 School Year

    Unit of Study

    Unit Outline

    Essential Questions


    Me and My Community

    We are all a part of various communities and in those. communities we have roles, responsibilities, and expectations that we have to adhere to. Our communities help us learn, take care of ourselves, stay safe, demonstrate respect. help others, and demonstrate emotions appropriately.

    1. What is my role in the community? 

    2. Why are the rules different in the places I go in my community? 

    3. Who are the people in our community that help us stay safe and healthy and make our community a fun place to be?

    feelings, happy, first, then, school, teacher(s), friend(s), name, classroom, sad, office, multipurpose room, hallway, go, playground, ask/tell, need, want, secretary, nurse, principal, help, community, schedule, rules, job, ready, safe, respectful, custodian, who, what, where, career, volunteer, helper

    Me on the Go

    As members of local and global communities, we see that there are a lot of different ways for people to get to and from the places they want to go. In this unit, students will explore transportation and the various vehicles we use on land, on and under water, and in the air.

    1. How do we go from one place to another in and beyond our community? 

    2. What do modes of transportation have in common? What makes them different?

    transportation, vehicle, go, who, how, circle, square, triangle, small, wet, dry, sink, float, boat, heavy, light, fast, land, drive, slow, where, wheel, big, high, low

    Engineering and Me

    Engineering is about play. Engineering for preschoolers is the process of building and designing something to solve a problem. In this unit, students will engage in lots of opportunities to build, explore, and discover in order to foster critical, creative, and innovative thinking.

    1. What can we create?

    2. How can we create?

    construction, make, build, tool(s), measure, length, short, tall, long, possible, impossible, always, never