• About Wheatland


    The Wheatland building opened as an elementary school in 1950 and educated students until 2007.  The building then served as a professional development site as well as the location for the district's STEPS program.  In 2022, the building was renamed and dedicated as Gail McKinzie High School serving students in the Indian Plains and Achieve programs.

    Mission Statement

    Gail McKinzie High School believes that all students can succeed when given an educational environment that meets their individual needs and interests. High expectations are set for all students to empower them to be responsible, respectful and productive citizens.

    Gail McKinzie High School Overview

    Indian Plains Program (IP)

    Indian Plains is a credit recovery program of choice. This program primarily services 4th year students from the three district high schools in Indian Prairie School District #204. Students that are eligible for this program are behind in credits and have demonstrated that the traditional high school setting is not beneficial for them. The home school guidance department recommends these students for the program. The guidance department reviews the student’s credits, attendance and behavior to make the recommendation. The program is intended to help students recover credits and meet graduation requirements by offering more periods in a school day, smaller class sizes, individualized learning opportunities and supportive services as needed. Students must commit to the program guidelines and sign a participation agreement. The participation agreement establishes the expectations and obligations for Indian Plains students, parents/guardians, home high school staff and the Gail McKinzie team.

    Students may not directly enroll in the program; they must be recommended by the home school guidance department

    Program Achieve (ACH)

    The Achieve program services students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with the majority of the students having Emotional Disturbance as their primary disability.  These students come from our three traditional district high schools in Indian Prairie School District #204. Students eligible for this program have demonstrated the need for a smaller structured environment with supportive services to make progress toward fulfilling graduation requirements. Their emotional dysregulation has impacted their academic success in the traditional high school setting. In addition, they make progress in the areas of personal, social and emotional growth. Students that are successful in this program may transition back to their home school for academic instruction and/or extracurricular activities. All high school diplomas reflect the student’s home high school.

    Program Achieve is not appropriate for students without an IEP or for those students in need of a disciplinary placement. It is designed exclusively for students who need academic and emotional supports to experience a successful learning experience.

    For additional information, please contact any of the following:

    • LaTanya Harris, Principal (latanya_harris@ipsd.org)
    • District 204 Student Services: 630-375-3060