• Parent Volunteers

    The LMC recruits and trains parents to assist in the LMC. Volunteers enable us to provide a full range of services to our students. Our library media center is in need of your support. Even if you can spare just two hours per week, or every two weeks, you can help us provide a stronger library program for your children. Volunteering in the library media center (LMC) will also allow you to learn more about your child's school experience and give you an opportunity to observe classes in action. Here are just a few of the valuable jobs our volunteer do, and no experience is required to volunteer in the LMC! 

    • Shelve books
    • Assist children in finding books
    • Database entry
    • Take home projects
    • Preparing displays/bulletin boards
    • Help with book fair twice a year
    • Special projects in LMC

    If you are interested in volunteering, contact Michelle Loughran, LMC Director, at 428-7414 or email michelle_loughran@ipsd.org.

    LMC Parent Volunteer Duties/Guidelines

    All volunteers must sign in at the main office before proceeding to the LMC. Volunteer badges must be worn while volunteering in the building. Please do not be offended if you are asked to go to the main office and get one from the school secretary. As a volunteer you should not bring your preschool age children with you while working at Fry School. Incidents that may occur while you are in the school should not be discussed. Confidentiality cannot be stressed enough. If while you are volunteering, you need to talk to a teacher, please schedule an appointment, or drop them a note so can arrange a later time outside of your volunteering responsibilities. If you have a concern or problems arise please notify a member of the LMC staff so that it may be addressed. If you are going to miss your scheduled time for any reason, please contact the LMC office. 

    Volunteering is a great way to show support for our school and your child's education. It gives you an opportunity to see first hand the many wonderful things that happen each day at Fry School. Remember that we are here for the children...they always come first. So if a child needs help, drop all other projects and assist them. Assist children with their book selection. Any guidance that you can give them helps us know they are leaving the LMC with appropriate materials. At times you may be asked to work with individuals or small groups of students as needed. It is important that you help maintain the orderly appearance of the LMC by the shelving of books and other materials or by helping with displays and bulletin boards. Above all enjoy yourself!