• Longwood Elementary is thrilled to be able to bring some unique experiences to our students!

    Makerspace:Creation Station session

    Longwood’s Makerspace is called the Creation Station.  Students in all grade levels spend time in our Creation Station, which is housed in our LMC. A makerspace is a collaborative work space made for making, learning, exploring and sharing that utilizes both high tech and low tech tools.  Our makerspace helps students prepare for critical thinking in the areas of science, technology, engineers and math (STEM), while providing hands on experiences.  Students can be seen programming robots, building skyscrapers, designing books, creating a piece of art or brainstorming a solution to a problem with our 3D printer. Our students’ ideas are truly remarkable.  We look forward to continuing to update our space to help our students become future ready learners.

    Genius Hour:

    Longwood students have the opportunity to participate in Genius Hour, which looks different across grade levels.  The idea behind Genius Hour is that students can have time to explore their passions and wonders and share them with others. Genius Hour got its start with an idea from innovative companies such as Google, where employees were given 20% of their time to work on a project they were interested in. Genius Hour provides students a choice in what they learn during a certain amount of time.  Our students have explored many thought-provoking interesting topics throughout the years!