• Metea Valley Commemorative Brick Campaign

    “LEAVE YOUR MARK” at Metea Valley by purchasing an engraved brick to be placed at the athletic entrance of the school in the Commemorative Brick area. Purchase a 4 X 8 or 8 X 8 brick and have it engraved with your student’s name, family name, or well wishes, plus icons, as a permanent fixture on MVHS property.

    Orders any time before April 10, 2025 for spring installation. This is a great way to show your support and spirit for the Mustang community and to “leave your mark”!

    Download an order form for additional information, icon samples, and pricing.

    Deadline:  April 10, 2025 - No Exceptions!


    4 x 8 brick $60.00

    8 x 8 brick $100.00

    Additional questions contact: MVHSbricks@gmail.com. GO GO MUSTANGS!