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  • Links for Staff

    Some Staff pages are hidden behind a sign-in screen. Please use your SSO login info to sign in.

    Note: The old staff site,, is temporarily still up. If you need a form or info that hasn't been uploaded to this site by a department yet, and you know the old site has the correct/current version, you can grab it from there.

    Staff Only: SIGN IN HERE

    Click the User icon (second icon at the top right) and click 'Sign In' (On mobile/tablet, click Menu and scroll down)
    User: [first name]_[last name] (WITHOUT "")
    Password: [Your personal password that you use for SSO and email.]

    To notify us of needed site updates:
    School sites: Contact your school's site liaison(s) (if you don't know who they are, ask your Principal/Secretaries).
    District site: Contact the relevant department head, administrator, etc.

    Got questions/suggestions regarding the new site? Please submit a response to the Web Feedback Form.